
Eliminate the Potential Danger of Accidents and Build a Secure Defense Line — L&K’s Production Safety Month

June, 2020 is the 19th national production safety month with the theme of "Eliminate the Potential Danger of Accidents and Build a Secure Defense Line". L&K actively responded to the call and carried out a variety of safety activities. The production safety month was strongly supported by the leaders and all project managers of the company, and all employees actively participated in it. It was a complete success.
I. Put up themed slogans and signs

II. Establish a production safety month group on Enterprise WeChat
In the production safety month group, safety videos were shared every week for all colleagues to watch.

III. Organize online safety training
The online safety regulations training and examination for employees of the project department were carried out; the online safety training for project supervisor – Project Director Du Bang’s Thoughts on Safety Management was conducted.

IV. Organize a drill of on-site disposal plan of mechanical injury
The After-sales Service Department was organized to conduct a drill of on-site disposal plan of mechanical injury. The drill process is as follows:

V. Carry out production safety knowledge contest for all employees
With the help of Enterprise WeChat platform of the company, this production safety knowledge contest was held twice online, each half an hour, with 33 questions. After intense competition, 21 winners were produced, including 1 first prize winner, 2 second prize winners and 18 other winners.

VI. Organize all branches and projects to carry out the production safety month
A total of 3 branches and 17 projects were organized to carry out out colorful production safety month. The specific photos are shown as follows:


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